
metamodel version: 1.7.0

version: None

Terminology Core Common Model


  • CodeSet - A collection of terminological concept references
  • ConceptReference - A minimal description of a class, individual, term or similar construct
  • ConceptSystem - A terminological resource (ontology, classification scheme, concept system, etc.)
  • Package - A collection of ConceptSystems



  • code - The official code of this entry
  • ➞uri - The URI or CURIE of a code set
  • ➞uri - The URI or CURIE of a concept system
  • ➞uri - The URI or CURIE of a code entry
  • contents - The concept references that are in the ConceptSystem
  • defined_in - The terminological resource (ontology, classification scheme, concept system, etc.) that defines this code
  • definition - The "preferred" textual definition of this code in the context of a particular community or language
  • description - The description of a concept system
  • designation - The preferred label or text in the context of a particular community or language
  • members - The concept references that are in the CodeSet
  • namespace - A known namespace URI assigned to this concept system/prefix
  • narrower_than - A reference to a SKOS concept whose intended meaning or extension is broader than this entry in the defining concept
  • ➞system
  • prefix - The official prefix assigned to a concept system
  • reference - A link that provides additional information about this entry
  • root_concept - A concept that has no broader concepts in a ConceptSystem




Built in

  • Bool
  • Decimal
  • ElementIdentifier
  • NCName
  • NodeIdentifier
  • URI
  • XSDDate
  • XSDDateTime
  • XSDTime
  • float
  • int
  • str


  • Boolean (Bool) - A binary (true or false) value
  • Date (XSDDate) - a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar
  • Datetime (XSDDateTime) - The combination of a date and time
  • Decimal (Decimal) - A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal specification
  • Double (float) - A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification
  • Float (float) - A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification
  • Integer (int) - An integer
  • Ncname (NCName) - Prefix part of CURIE
  • Nodeidentifier (NodeIdentifier) - A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model.
  • Objectidentifier (ElementIdentifier) - A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model.
  • String (str) - A character string
  • Time (XSDTime) - A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular day
  • Uri (URI) - a complete URI
  • Uriorcurie (URIorCURIE) - a URI or a CURIE